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英文論文 2005年度

  1. Yoshioka, T., Sakayori, M., Kato, S., Chiba, N., Miyazaki, S., Nemoto, K., Shibata, H., Shimodaira, H., Ohtsuka, K., Kakudo, Y., Sakata, Y., Ishioka, C. A dose escalation study of docetaxel and nedaplatin in patients with relapsed or refractory squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus pretreated using cisplatin, 5-fluorouracil and radiation. Int J Clin Oncol 11: 454-460 (2006)
  2. Yamaura, G., Yoshioka, T., Fukuda, H., Yamaguchi, K., Suzuki, M., Furumoto, S., Iwata, R., Ishioka, C. O-[18F]fluoromethyl-L-tyrosine is a potential tracer for monitoring tumour response to chemotherapy using PET: an initial comparative in vivo study with deoxyglucose and thymidine. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 33: 1134-1139 (2006)
  3. Yamaguchi, K., Shimamura, T., Komatsu, Y., Takagane, A., Yoshioka, T., Saitoh, S., Munakata, M., Sato, T., Arai, T., Saitoh, H. Phase Ⅰ-Ⅱstudy of biweekly paclitaxel administration with fixed-dose-rate cisplatin in advanced gastric cancer. Gastric Cancer: 36-43 (2006)
  4. Soussi, T., Rubio-Nevado, J.M., Ishioka, C. MUT-TP53: a versatile matrix for TP53 mutation verification and publication. Hum Mutat: 27(11)1151-1154 (2006)
  5. Soussi, T., Ishioka, C., Claustres, M., Beroud, C. Locus-specific mutation databases: pitfalls and good practice based on the p53 experience. Nat Rev Cancer 6: 83-90 (2006)
  6. Soussi, T., Asselain, B., Hamroun, D., Kato, S., Ishioka, C., Claustres, M., Beroud, C. Meta-analysis of the p53 Mutation Database for Mutant p53 Biological Activity Reveals a Methodologic Bias in Mutation Detection. Clin Cancer Res 12: 62-69 (2006)
  7. Olivier, M., Langerod, A., Carrieri, P., Bergh, J., Klaar, S., Eyfjord, J., Theillet, C., Rodriguez, C., Lidereau, R., Bieche, I., Varley, J., Bignon, Y., Uhrhammer, N., Winqvist, R., Jukkola-Vuorinen, A., Niederacher, D., Kato, S., Ishioka, C., Hainaut, P., Borresen-Dale, A. The Clinical Value of Somatic TP53 Gene Mutations in 1,794 Patients with Breast Cancer. Clin Cancer Res 12: 1157-1167 (2006)
  8. Ohori, H., Yamakoshi, H., Tomizawa, M., Shibuya, M., Kakudo, Y., Takahashi, A., Takahashi, S., Kato, S., Suzuki, T., Ishioka, C., Iwabuchi, Y., Shibata, H. Synthesis and biological analysis of new curcumin analogues bearing an enhanced potential for the medicinal treatment of cancer. Mol Cancer Ther 2006 5: 2563-2571 (2006)
  9. Mathe, E., Olivier, M., Kato, S., Ishioka, C., Vaisman, I., Hainaut, P. Predicting the Transactivation Activity of p53 Missense Mutants Using a Four-Body Potential Score Derived From Delaunay Tessellations. Hum Mutat 27: 163-172 (2006)
  10. Mathe, E., Olivier, M., Kato, S., Ishioka, C., Hainaut, P., Tavtigian, S.V. Computational approaches for predicting the biological effect of p53 missense mutations: a comparison of three sequence analysis based methods. Nucleic Acids Res 34: 1317-1325 (2006)
  11. Inoue, K., Okada, K., Harigae, H., Taki, Y., Goto, R., Kinomura, S., Kato, S., Kaneta, T., Fukuda, H. Diffuse Bone Marrow Uptake on F-18 FDG PET in Patients With Myelodysplastic Syndromes. Clinical Nuclear Medicine 31: 721-723 (2006)
  12. Iacopetta, B., Russo, A., Bazan, V., Dardanoni, G., Gebbia, N., Soussi, T., Kerr, D., Elsaleh, H., Soong, R., Kandioler, D., Janschek, E., Kappel, S., Lung, M., Leung, C.S., Ko, J.M., Yuen, S., Ho, J., Leung, S.Y., Crapez, E., Duffour, J., Ychou, M., Leahy, D.T., O'Donoghue, D.P., Agnese, V., Cascio, S., Di Fede, G., Chieco-Bianchi, L., Bertorelle, R., Belluco, C., Giaretti, W., Castagnola, P., Ricevuto, E., Ficorella, C., Bosari, S., Arizzi, C.D., Miyaki, M., Onda, M., Kampman, E., Diergaarde, B., Royds, J., Lothe, R.A., Diep, C.B., Meling, G.I., Ostrowski, J., Trzeciak, L., Guzinska-Ustymowicz, K., Zalewski, B., Capella, G.M., Moreno, V., Peinado, M.A., Lonnroth, C., Lundholm, K., Sun, X.F., Jansson, A., Bouzourene, H., Hsieh, L.L., Tang, R., Smith, D.R., Allen-Mersh, T.G., Khan, Z.A., Shorthouse, A.J., Silverman, M.L., Kato, S., Ishioka, C. Functional categories of TP53 mutation in colorectal cancer: results of an International Collaborative Study. Ann Oncol 17: 842-847 (2006)
  13. Hamroun, D., Kato, S., Ishioka, C., Claustres, M., Beroud, C., Soussi, T. The UMD TP53 database and website: update and revisions. Hum Mutat 27: 14-20 (2006)


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