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英文論文 2010年度

  1. Yamakoshi, H.,Ohori, H.,Kudo, C.,Sato, A.,Kanoh, N.,Ishioka, C.,Shibata, H.,Iwabuchi, Y. Structure-activity relationship of C(5)-curcuminoids and synthesis of their molecular probes thereof. Bioorg Med Chem 18: 1083-1092 (2010)
  2. Yamakoshi, H.,Kanoh, N.,Kudo, C.,Sato, A.,Ueda, K.,Muroi, M.,Kon, S.,Satake, M.,Ohori, H.,Ishioka, C.,Oshima, Y.,Osada, H.,Chiba, N.,Shibata, H.,Iwabuchi, Y. KSRP/FUBP2 Is a Binding Protein of GO-Y086, a Cytotoxic Curcumin Analogue. ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters 1: 273-276 (2010)
  3. Shimbo, T.,Fukui, T.,Ishioka, C.,Okamoto, K.,Okamoto, T.,Kameoka, S.,Sato, A.,Toi, M.,Matsui, K.,Mayumi, T.,Saji, S.,Miyazaki, M.,Takatsuka, Y.,Hirata, K. Quality of guideline development assessed by the Evaluation Committee of the Japan Society of Clinical Oncology. Int J Clin Oncol (2010)
  4. Ransburgh, D. J.,Chiba, N.,Ishioka, C.,Toland, A. E.,Parvin, J. D. Identification of breast tumor mutations in BRCA1 that abolish its function in homologous DNA recombination. Cancer Res 70: 988-95 (2010)
  5. Akiyama, S.,Dhavan, D.,Yi, T. PRL-2 increases Epo and IL-3 responses in hematopoietic cells. Blood Cells Mol Dis. 44(4): 209-14 (2010)
  6. Kato, T.,Mori, T.,Niibori, K. A case of gastric tube after esophagectomy:a case report and review. World J Emrg Surg (2010)
  7. Wang, L.,Kobayashi , T.,Piao, X.,Shiono, M.,Takagi, Y.,Mineki, R.,Taka, H.,Zhang, D.,Abe, M.,Sun, G.,Hagiwara, Y.,Okimoto, K.,Matsumoto, I.,Kouchi, M.,Hino, O. Serine 62 is a phosphorylation site in folliculin, the Birt-Hogg-Dube gene product. FEBS Lett. 584(1): 39-43. (2010)


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